
if you are not enjoy with what you have, how can you be happy with more....??

Monday, December 30, 2013

fifteen cover by me...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t...

now fifteen cover by me...

sorry for any incovenience...im just a beginner...sort of hobby only... :)

part suara memang maaf lah eh...hahaha

hope u guys enjoy it...

taylor swift fifteen cover...by me... :)


Saturday, December 7, 2013

speak now cover...personal hobby...


im the fan of taylor swift...

main gitar sebab inspired by her...

berjaya jugak main lagu taylor swift...hahahaha

tengok lah kalau nak tengok...

sorry sebab gua memang takde bakat menyanyi2 ni....

ahh belasah jelah...nama pun hobi kan....sesaje jek....!

and ade lupa lirik sikit hujung2...hahh lantakkk...!!


sepak now cover by me...

Friday, December 6, 2013

ohh midnight memories...!!you make me strong...


Brian O'Connor dah takde....? isk3....


ayat yang dia pernah cakap...

betul lah orang kata, orang yang nak mati ni kadang-kadang dia boleh rasa yang dia akan mati...ni lah ayat yang paling sedih i ever read in my life...

Brian, fast and furious will not be the same (without you)...

harini Deso Dogg a.k.a Abu Thalhah al-Almani syahid kat mesir...

ni yang patut lebih kita sedihkan....

kalau orang kata Paul Walker died in very young age (40 years old), Abu Thalhah was only 38 years old...!!he's the one that Muslims should really have been proud of...

Abu Thalhah...you will be remembered by Muslims....

yang pergi tetap pergi...ajal and cara kita mati memang dah tertulis sejak kita dalam rahim mak lagi...yang masih hidup, hidup mesti diteruskan...

one direction...??

yeyy back to them...hahahhaa

i have all songs of Midnight Memories...die-hard-fan kan....haruslah ada...hahahhaa

emm album kali ni katanya One D members banyak sumbang idea...emm biasalah, to me all One D songs terbaik kott...hehehehhee

here's are their album cover of Midnight Memories...

my favourite....??


p/s : 7...meaningful song for us...just look at it---->>> DEAR...

i love this song...so much...!1muahxxxx....! (0-0)

will miss you Brian O Connor... :'(